Совместная инициатива по развитию инновационного предпринимательства

Russia Direct и руководитель Лаборатории инновационного бизнеса и предпринимательства Георгий Лаптев: How technology transfer works in practice

Technology transfer centers could help to come up with a clear perception of the supply-and-demand requirements in a certain field and, most importantly, speed up the implementation of an idea. Here is an example, which clearly illustrates why technology transfer centers could be vital for young innovators.

A graduate of the master’s degree program “Innovation Management” of the MSU Faculty of Economics, Lev Gorilovskiy, came up with an interesting solution that might be interesting for Russian energy companies like Gazprom, Mosgaz and other companies that deal with problems involving pipelines and underground telecommunications cables.

His invention is rather down-to-earth and specific - more

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